This book Vol2 was scanned and copied by the Sheldon Historian please contact me for information Dutch Hollow church records included names Merlau,Zapf,Zittel, Heintz I spent a lot of painstaking hours on this project, and what a delight to see it on my site.This is the original copy.I will be glad to do a look up for you. I also have a translated version.Barb Durfee
Churches in Sheldon there were methodist, Presbyterian , Baptist, Freewill Baptist, and RC churches Some of the Godfrey family initiated the building of the Freewill Baptist church in Varysburg in 1836. The Catholic church in Varysburg was built in 1913 The Methosist church in Varysburg was built in 1837 st Cecilia`s in Sheldon Center was built 1838-1840`s